‘How performing standup comedy helped me quit my job’

A sponsored guest blog, by John Williams

Julian Bond
Feb 9, 2023
Watch on LinkedIn | In my Facebook group | On TikTok

I’ve also recorded videos out here in Mexico on how I won my first ever consulting gig at the BBC and how to use a stepping stone to make quitting your job safer & easier. Again, watch those on LinkedIn, in my Facebook group, or TikTok.

Ask me your questions about creating a business you love

Since Friday is my 20 year anniversary I am going to spend the whole day answering any questions you have about creating a business you love — that’s one that you enjoy working on, has real meaning for you, and pays you extremely well.

Sign up to my mailing list to see more tomorrow.




Julian Bond
Julian Bond

Written by Julian Bond

Funder; writer #JesusRediscovered; former CEO @chrismusforum; freelance interfaither, @johnsw. Muslim ally.

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